

<#541#>Figure captions:<#541#>

Fig. 1 Diagrams appearing in the perturbative approach to the renormalization of the axial charge.

a) b) involving positive energy intermediate nucleon states: c) d) involving negative energy intermediate states.

Fig. 2 Axial charge form factor for the #math88#0+→0- transition in 16O from the orbitals #math89#1p1/2→2s1/2 and #math90#1p3/2→1d3/2 with relativistic and equivalent non relativistic wave functions.

Fig. 3 Ratio of the relativistic to non relativistic matrix elements of fig. 2 as a function of the momentum transfer.

Fig. 4 Same as fig. 3 for 40Ca and the transition #math91#0+→0- from the orbitals #math92#1d3/2→2p3/2.

Fig. 5 Ratio of relativistic to non relativistic matrix elements for the transition in fig. 4.